Do you struggle to understand the area or location that your client is trying to explain? You could be a drone pilot who need to know the exact location of where to video, or it could be a boundary or planning issue that needs highlighting.

No more confusing location instructions

Zone Marker enables the website user to mark out the exact area that is under discussion and emails the details together with the map to the site admin. They can view the area and make informed decisions on how to proceed. This could be to formulate a quote or just to help make plans.

Ease communications

It ensures that both parties know the precise area, no more guessing and prolonged email threads. The area is precise, and if you need to interact with Googles Maps a link is provided in the email.

Try it out below

The form will be submitted and you will get to see what the email looks like.

How do I get it?

Zone Marker is a WordPress plugin and available via the WordPress repository. Just go to plugins -> Add new -> search for “Zone Marker” -> Install -> Settings to configure.

Draw your area

The map below helps you plot a detailed outline of the location you wish us to use. When you submit the form it will be emailed to us to ensure that we understand this and can formulate an accurate proposal.

Create an area on the map by clicking on the map to create boundary points. These points can be dragged to improve the accuracy. To remove a point, click it.

Enquiry type *